IMPRESIVNA TRANSFORMACIJA: U trudnoći je imala 120 kilograma, a onda je BEZ DIJETE uradila NEMOGUĆE! (FOTO)

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Kilogrami u trudnoći se lako skupljaju, a teško gube. To najbolje zna 26-godišnja Amerikanka Kesidi Rikens.

U prvoj trudnoći, ova blogerka se značajno ugojila, a nakon što je rodila ćerkicu Harli, imala je 118 kilograma.

– Znala sam da moram nešto da učinim – priznala je Kesidi i uputila se na 18-mesečnu pustolovinu tokom koje je uspela da izgubi čak 58 kilograma!

Ono što je zanimljivo jeste to što nije brojala kalorije, niti vežbala svaki dan. Ovih 5 pravila su je ponovo dovela do vitke linije:

1. Mnogo vode

“Prestala sam da izmišljam izgovore i počela sam da pijem tri i po litre vode na dan”, otkriva blogerka. To je otprilike ekvivalent za 16 šoljica vode svakog dana, ili duplo više od onoga što stručnjaci preporučuju.

2. Nemasna hrana

Kesidi tvrdi da nije bila na dijeti, već je jela jednostavnu hranu poput nemasne piletine, tunjevine, ćuretine, voća, povrća i žitarica celog zrna.

“Da sam držala dijetu, verovatno ne bih uspela. Ali, odlučila sam da u potpunosti promenim svoje prehrambene navike. Tu i tamo bih zgrešila sa nekim masnim ili slatkim zalogajem, ali se nisam zbog toga opterećivala” , kaže ova mlada mama.

3. Nije brojala kalorije

“Sa brojanjem kalorija bih možda ranije došla do svog cilja, ali mi je to bio preveliki stres. Trudila sam se da jedem zdravije, a ne manje”.

4. Vežbala je svake nedelje

Let's get real, y'all. I went two years [consistently] trying to stay focused and motivated to reach my goals. And let me tell you, I reached some of my biggest goals I have ever set for myself , plus some I didn't even know I was aiming for. My main 1st goal was to lose 100 pounds; I did. My 2nd goal was to reach a solid weight of 132; my lowest weight was 131.8. I go through streaks where I am so consumed with eating healthy, working out, staying focused, and steering clear of old habits. (Which I truly enjoy) BUT, I also go through streaks where I fall off the wagon. Sometimes they're a few days, a few weeks, or even a few months. This summer has definitely got a 1up on me. After my arthritis flared up , I was out. It put me out of the gym for over a month (on & off). After that, I was constantly at the doctor, studying for my NASM exam, planning a wedding, birthdays, bachelorette party, last minute errands, and literally running around like a mad man. LIFE GETS IN THE WAY. I was starting to form some small abs, now they're completely gone. I was starting to get lean and now fat is replacing muscle. I was always critiquing my body for not ever being "enough" but you know what? It was. I PUT IN WORK for that body and I always seemed to forget that. Things are slowing down in my life and I'm starting to get back on track. I'm not far from my best point but I have definitely strayed. I don't care if you take off one day, one month , or one year... just pick it back up. ITS NEVER EVER TOO LATE. Keep your eye open for lots of healthy lifestyle posts coming your way. Gainz are about to be like none other.

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Čak i kada joj se ne da ode u teretanu, Kesidi ne odustaje od svog plana. Pet puta nedeljno vežba, što joj je pomoglo da istopi kilograme, ali i oblikuje figuru.

“Isprva nije lako. Gledaš u vagu, ne vidiš promene i pitaš se zašto se mučiš. Ali, kad počneš da primećuješ rezultate, to postane svojevrsna zavisnost. Želiš da nastaviš sa napretkom”, iskrena je Kesidi. Vežbanje je joj se toliko svidelo da je odlučila da položi kurs za ličnog trenera, a danas ponosna mama tako zarađuje za život.

5. Beležila je razvoj svog uspeha

Da bi se dodatno motivisala, Kesidi je otvorila Instagram profil, gde je objavljivala fotografije svog tela, i beležila razvoj svog uspeha.

“Ono što moji pratioci na Instagramu možda ne razumeju jeste da i oni motivišu mene. Kad se izložiš pogledima i komentarima hiljadama ljudi, želiš da daš sve što možeš od sebe i budeš svoja najbolja verzija”, zaključuje Kesidi.

Let's talk about Macronutrients. As most of you know, I have NEVER really been a "count-calories-macros-carbs-etc" type of person. I lost ALL of my weight without counting any numbers consistently. I've never been against counting my macros, I just have not wanted to put the time in to do it. Even @kaili.sue (someone who has inspired me throughout my whole weight loss) called me late at night and sat on the phone for an hour trying to explain them, teach me, and give me tips on how to keep it stress free. And quite frankly, if there is anyone I would aspire to be like , she would be one of them! She has been counting her macros for quite some time now and trust me, it shows! So, y'all ask me why I started counting macros recently? I did it because my new trainer @devinthadood advised it for me to reach my full potential/ goals. He pointed me in that direction and because of him, I overcame my stubbornness and tried something new. There might be millions of people who inspire me, give me ideas, motivate me, direct me, lead me, and help me but I promise, there is NO one I would rather be than me. Now that I know what it's like to actually stay consistent with counting macros, yes, I like it and yes, I would advise it. Plus, I get to eat a lot soooooooo I'm chillin.

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