Ljudi je KRITIKUJU zbog IZGLEDA, ali ona im samouvereno odgovara (FOTO)

Loi Lein

Loi Lein (22) modna je video-blogerka koja nosi titulu "plus-size" You Tube zvezde. Hiljade njenih obožavatelja s nestrpljenjem očekuju svaku njenu objavu, a najnovija možda nije ono na što su navikli.


Umesto make-up saveta i sličnih tema iz sveta mode, Loi se ovog puta pozabavila kritikama koje dobija za svoj izgled.

Naime, neki su joj savetovali da ne bi smela da nosi dvodelni kupaći, ni ona ni ostale punije devojke.


Was looking for photos for tomorrow’s video thumbnail and fell in love all over again with this image from @skorchmagazine! I’ve already gotten tweets from some of you but yeah, the Victoria’s Secret haul is down (again) for containing “sexual content”. It’s OK though, this happened previously and YouTube will fix it again and just make a note that people are flagging it for no reason… they’ve done it with other videos on my channel, because this definitely isn’t the first time people have tried to censor my body because they don’t like it. Loves, if there is one thing I’ve learned being on YouTube, it’s that there are a lot of people in the world who think they are a lot better than everyone else. Confidence scares these kinds of people and so they do everything they can to make people who like themselves feel horrible. They want everyone to be miserable, just so they can feel better. You can’t be mad at these people. You can just feel sorry for them. Sorry for whatever has happened in their life that has put them in a place like this, sorry for the things that have influenced them and taught them a twisted set of priorities. At the end of the day, we have our positivity and the knowledge that we are better than stooping to their level. They have a lot of hate in their hearts and once they’re done trolling online, probably have a life to return to that doesn’t make them happy or leave them fulfilled. I have a whole video on this situation coming tomorrow, so just stay tuned! Until then, have a wonderful night. I love all of you, every last one. Even those of you who don’t love me in return; I wish you nothing but happiness. Night night beautiful babies.

A photo posted by Loey Lane (@loeybug) on

Na kritike je odgovorila u videu, u kojem se pojavljuje u, naravno, dvodelnom bikiniju, i koji je u kratkom roku postao hit.

– Rekli su mi da dvodelni bikini ne izgleda dobro na punijim devojkama. Moram da izrazim svoje neslaganje s tom tvrdnjom. Lepota je subjektivna. Ono što je nekome lepo, ne mora da bude i drugom, i obrnuto. Ti koji su mi uputili kritike, ne žale se na druge vrste građe, samo na punije devojke. Dakle, trebala bih da prestanem da nosim ono što želim, ne zbog sebe već zato što se to nekome drugome ne sviđa. Koja glupost – rekla je, između ostalog, Loi u svom videu.