Naša umetnica uradila tri abortusa zbog karijere, a odgovor koji joj je dala jedna mama ostavlja bez daha

Marina Abramović
Wikipedia/Manfred Werner / Tsui

"Tri puta sam abortirala, deca bi mi uništila karijeru", kaže Marina.

Naša umetnica koja već godinama živi i radi u Njujorku, u kojem je izgradila uspešnu karijeru, nedavno je u jednom intervjuu izjavila da nikad nije želela da ima decu, jer bi, kako kaže, to bilo pogubno za njenu karijeru.

“Imala sam tri abortusa jer smatram da bi deca bila užas za moju karijeru”, rekla je Marina, a njena izjava je postala viralna.

Jedna mama, Hein Koh, koja je takođe umetnica, odgovorila je na ovu Marininu izjavu fantastičnom fotografijom i tvrdnjom da su je deca učinila još kreativnijom.

“Kada sam postala mama, postala sam i bolja umetnica. Naučila sam bolje i brže da radim, prioritete sam stavila na svoja mesta, a u svemu sam postala bolja u životu od kada su se rodili blizanci”, kaže Hein.

“Sve se može kada želite, roditeljstvo vas gura na gore, a ne na dole, dodala je između ostalog.

Ovu sjajnu fotografiju napravio je njen muž, a internet zajednica se oduševila.

#tbt 5/19/15 when my #twins were 5 weeks old and despite the sleep deprivation and frequent (every 2-3 hours, 24-7, 45 min at a time) #breastfeeding, I was still getting shit done.  #MarinaAbramovic thinks children hold women back in the art world, but as @dubz19 put so aptly, "FUKKK THAT". All Marina knows is her own experience, and it may be true for her, but that is not everyone's experience nor truth. Becoming a #mom (of twins no less) has personally helped me become a better #artist - I learned to be extremely efficient with my time, prioritize what's important and let go of the rest, and #multitask like a champ.  I learned to function (even if barely) on very little sleep, and out of the chaos, insanity and even torture at times, a flood of new emotions entered into my work, becoming more interesting & layered as a result.  I'm also not saying that artist parents are better artists than non-parent artists, or that choosing not to be a parent will deny you access to these learning experiences.  What I am saying is that parenting is like any other challenge in life - the biggest fucking challenge in my own life thus far - and if you embrace it and figure out creative solutions, you can emerge a better person.  It's important to think about the ways in which these challenges can help you move forward, rather than hold you back.  #artistmom #tandembreastfeeding #multitasking #heinkoh #greenpoint #brooklyn #nyc

A photo posted by Hein Koh (@hein_koh) on