NEKA SVAKA ŽENA PROČITA OVAJ TEKST: Posle saveta Ane Vintur nećete više reći da NEMATE ŠTA DA OBUČETE

Glavna urednica časopisa Vog Ana Vintur često se bavi gorućim pitanjem održivosti mode.


Ana Vintur stalno naglašava važnost brige o našoj odeći te proziva kulturu bacanja koja je duboko usađena u današnjem modnom svetu. Naime, ona se zalaže za zeleniju industriju i priznaje da je moda “malo“ zakasnila u igru kada je u pitanju raznolikost i inkluzivnost. Ona je u jednom intervjuu izjavila kako misli da bi trebalo obratiti više pažnje na zanat i kreativnost, a manje na ideju odeće koja se može odmah iskoristiti i stvari koje ćete baciti odmah nakon svega nekoliko nošenja, prenosi portal

Kako bi se izgradilo održivije sutra, u modnom svetu, važno je promeniti način na koji doživljavamo materijalne stvari i shvatiti na koji način vidimo modu. Od ključne je važnosti da promenimo način na koji razmišljamo o modi kako bismo stvorili bolje okruženje za sebe i za buduće naraštaje. Reč je o cenjenju odeće koju posedujete i koju možete nositi iznova i iznova, a možda ih možete preneti i na svoje ćerke ili sinove, u zavisnosti od slučaja.

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▫️What advice do you have for a young fashion designer anywhere in the world who wants to make it on the global scene? What should they focus on? . ▫️I think you need to focus on your message and your talent and what you are trying to say, what your vision is, whether you are making dresses, shoes or beautiful necklaces – whatever it is, you have to stay close to your own vision. And I think there are wonderful advantages to the world that we live in today where you can become famous easily through social media, but I also think it’s a disadvantage because it’s deceptive: Just because you have X amount of followers through Instagram doesn’t mean that your P&L (profit and loss statement) is where it should be. So what I advise young people starting in fashion today – and I think fashion is global, so I think your question is relevant, it’s hard to succeed in one territory – my advice, unless you’re lucky to have really a partner that understands the business aspect of what you’re entering into or if you are lucky enough to have substantial funds, my strong, strong advice is to go and work for a company that you admire, whose esthetic is something that you relate to; learn from another designer, travel the world and work in different countries and you can be successful at 30. You don’t have to succeed when you’re 21 and you’re graduating from college. I see so often young designers with lots of talent, with many ideas, fall by the wayside because they’ve tried to do too much too quickly. (✔️) . . . #annawintour

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