O MUŽU, O DECI: Mišel Obama u novoj knjizi otkrila NAJINTIMNIJE DETALJE svog života

U svom najprodavanijem memoarima pod nazivom Postanak, bivša prva dama (56) iskreno govori o poteškoćama sa kojima su se ona i njen suprug suočili tokom godina.


Mišel Obama otkrila je da je doživela pobačaj i da je mogla da zatrudni samo putem vantelesne oplodnje. Nakon što su se rodile njihove ćerke, par je morao da izbalansira njenu karijeru pravnika sa Barakovom političkom karijerom, kao i sa stresom koji roditeljstvo nosi.

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#maymoments2020 – Hope – “Its all a process, steps along a path. Becoming requires equal parts patience and rigor. Becoming is never giving up on the idea that there’s more growing to be done.” – Michelle Obama, Becoming . ~ Published two years ago and despite all the raving reviews I didn’t read Becoming for reasons I couldn’t even justify right now. However, I do believe that books tend to find you at a time that you need them most. ~ In other words I didn’t choose this book it choose me. It knew I needed not just the story of her life and the inside look of life behind the scenes, but the underlying message of hope. During a time when everything feels hopeless. ~ Hope that things can be better. Not just personally, but world wide. Watching the news lately has been pretty disheartening and that is true even if you take away the pandemic. It is easy to give up hope. It’s hard to continue to have it. Becoming reminds us that no matter where we are in our stories they are always ongoing, they don’t stop and we shouldn’t give up hope for brighter futures. ~ It has allowed me to reflect how far I am in my journey of becoming and where I would like that journey to go. Overall a powerful book. If you haven’t read it please do. I have been told the audio book is even better because it is read by the author and if you get an opportunity to watch the Netflix documentary please watch that too. . . . #michelleobama #becoming #becomingmichelleobama #nonfiction #nonfictionbooks #mayreads #booknerd #fortheloveofreading #readersofig #bookreview #bookrecommendations

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A u novom Netfliksovom dokumentarcu, govorila je o svojim počecima sa Barakom.

Bio je veoma drugačiji od mene. Izazivao me je na različite načine. Znala sam da dolazi i kad ne bih bila uporna, oduvao bi me – rekla je Mišel Obama.