Bela Torn

Mlada američka glumica Bela Torn fotografisala se za meksičko izdanje magazina "GQ".

Ok this really throws my color grid off but it's worth it??? thank you @gqmexico so honored ?

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Devetnaestogodišnja Bela je smelo pozirala u raznim pozama, a osim naslovnice na kojoj blista u zavodljivoj crnoj haljini, glumica je uradila i nekoliko obnaženih fotografija.

Ona koja je izazvala najviše reakcija jeste upravo fotka na kojoj Tornova sedi na stolici potpuno gola, dok rukom prekriva grudi i zavodi pogledom.

I specifically asked for no re touching on this photo, and lemme tell you I have insecurities, about pretty much everything. That's natural & that's human. You might look at this photo and think oh shush bella, but just know everytime someone looks in the mirror they simply don't see what everyone else sees. Know that it's completely normal to feel insecure and it's accepted. honestly I wish everyone talked more about their insecurities so more people in the world could know they aren't alone. That it's ok. As a public persona you know naturally that everytime you shoot with a magazine there is always small retouching. Cuz yeah if they show my acne scars or a wrinkle in my forehead or my teeth aren't perfectly white, people will look at the photo and say no she's not perfect and usually most people don't want the public trashing and I get it, But fuck it I'm here to tell you that's right I'm not FUCKING PERFECT. IM A HUMAN BEING AND IM REAL. So hip hop your asses over the fence and GET OVER IT. @gqmexico

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Svoj seksepil pokazala je i na crno-beloj fotki, a na ovom setu Bela je nosila samo veš i haltere.

I dok su njeni fanovi oduševljeni ovim fotografijama, glumica napominje da je imala specijalnu molbu za kreativni tim koji stoji iza ovog časopisa.

– Zahtevala sam da ne obrađuju ove fotografije u Fotošopu. Ali normalno je da se čovek oseća nesigurno – istakla je.

Tako možemo da primetimo da glumica ima modrice i akne, koje nisu uklonjene u programu za obradu fotografije, zbog čega je dobila mnoštvo pohvala.