TATA SUPERSTAR INSTAGRAMA: Ima četvoro dece, a njihov neverovatan život prate milioni (FOTO)

Sajmon Huper je tata četiri devojčice, koji je rešio da svoje porodične avanture podeli i sa pratiocima na Instagramu, gde je veoma brzo postao ekstremno popularan - ima blizu milion pratilaca!


Sajmon na profilu “Father of Daughters” objavljuje trenutke iz svoje urbnesno zabavne, mada često i naporne svakodnevice, a koji verno dočaravaju život jednog muškarca sa čak pet žena – odnosno suprugom i četiri kćerke.

Za razliku od većine drugih roditelja, Sajmon prilično realistično prenosi izazove roditeljstva, ne praveći se da je sve bajka i ne objavljujući samo “upeglane” i savršene fotografije na kojima se zapravo ne vidi koliko je težak “posao” biti tata, ili mama.

Ovaj Insta tata doneo je iskrenu, ali i duhovitu perspektivu očinstva, a publiku redovno oduševljava i nasmejava i zabavnim opisima pored fotografija.

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I always wonder how toddlers view festivals as it’s such a break from normal life. They see a lot of adults stand in a field usually reserved for farm animals & watch them slowly regress to being teenagers again, shouting “I love this tune!” Or “who’s this band – I’ve never heard of them”, while embarrasing their families by dancing as if their limbs were independently controlled by an invisible puppet master. They’re treated to a muffled audio experience of the world through neon ear defenders while observing other children run around, seemingly free of supervision (although infact mum & dad are taking turns to have ‘eyes on’ & make sure they don’t stray too far), fuelled by a day long course of glucose supplied by parents wanting an arguement free afternoon. Their nappies get changed under open skies & sleep covered in coats, only to wake and find they are still in same field, but the sun’s gone to bed, everyone’s covered in glitter & daddy is sporting a childs tutu. It must be a very confusing sensory overload, but they seem to love it & a break from norm is something we all need now & again #festivalfashion #throughtheeyesofatoddler #breakfromthenorm #whosthatonstage #onemoretune #fatherofdaughters #dadlife #instadad #twins

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Ovo nije scena iz niskobudžetnog horor filma. Ovo je trenutak kada sam se fotografisao za svoju knjigu, a moja ćerka Oti nije htela da mi pokloni čak ni taj momenat – samo je jedan od njegovih brojnih komentara.

Inače, Sajmonove kćerke – Anja, Marni, Otelija i Dilajla, najveće su zvezde na tatinom Instagramu jer najviše haosa i nestašluka i prave.

Ovaj 36-godišnjak napisao je i knjigu o avanturama sa svojom decom, a i njegova supruga je autor priručnika za odgajanje beba, kao i serije tekstova na istu temu.

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I seriously believe that all parents suffer from some form of mild Stockholm syndrome. Depsite being oppressed & forced to work a servant to our pint sized captures, like a free buffet lunch, we always come back for more. This is especially true when I go away for work. The first day I embrace my freedom & revel in that rarest of commodities – silence. But within 48 hours I strangely miss being yelled at & forced to clear up other people’s poo and start to really pine for home. In my mind I would return to 4 perfect children who would greet me with open arms & proclaim their lives were incomplete in my absense. The reality was 50% of my girls acknowledged my return & within 5 minutes my tired jet lagged body had been transformed into fleshy climbing apparatus while i listened to a list of things that broke while I was away & now needed fixing. I don’t think Anya even knows I went away as she’s now permanently hard wired into Fortnite! I sure they missed me but it still amazes me how quickly normality is resumed! #institutionalised #parentingstockholmsyndrome #givemeachance #likeineverleft #jetlag #Fatherofdaughters #dadlife #instadad #fod

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Sajmon je istakao da je u čitavu priču ušao jer je želeo da pokaže svetu da nije sve onako ušećereno kako uglavnom izgleda na društvenim mrežama i da biti roditelj znači i da često nećete imati vremena za sebe, da ćete morati da se pomirite sa neredom, dečjim igračkama razbacanim svuda po kući, ali i pelenama, flašicama, cuclama…

On se najčešće fotografiše sa jednom karakterističnom, presmešnom grimasom koju je sam nazvao “Šta bi uopšte trebalo da uradim u vezi ovoga“.

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I work from home 4 days a week which is usually great as I’m alone with a fully stocked fridge and 6 music to keep me company. I can focus, be efficient with my time & do conference calls in my pants. However with school holidays now in full effect, for 2 of those 4 days, everyone is here meaning this once serene work environment now doubles up as a softplay / race circuit/ battle ground/ rehearsal area for a junior stage production of ‘singing in the rain’, all with the volume cranked up to 11. I’m constantly running around closing doors, waving at people frantically while silently mouthing ‘im on a call!’ & pleading with @mother_of_daughters to remove the child who’s decided to set up camp under my desk & bite my toes as a fun past time. But I know I’m not the only one who deals with this – I’m prett sure that’s why they invented the mute button on phones! Working from home isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, especially when your families abou – No, I can’t play hide and seek, come back at 5.30pm! #workingfromhome #schoolholidays #mutebuttonsareforparents #fatherofdaughters #rehersals #fod #dadlife #instadad

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Da li je još neki roditelj upućen u to da je danas Međunarodni dan suprotnosti? Ne? Nisam ni ja, ali izgleda da su deca obaveštena da je potpuno u redu raditi upravo suprotno od onoga što im kažu roditelji – jedna je u nizu Sajmonovih šala!