VELIKA TRANSFORMACIJA: Imala je 136 kilograma, a sada se svi okreću za njom (FOTO)

Kelsi Bonas (32) iz Hamiltona u Kanadi godinama je kuburila sa viškom kilograma, a priznaje da je više od decenije provela na različitim dijetama bezuspešno pokušavajući da ih skine.

printscreen/ Lynn Bonas

Na kraju bi svaka od tih dijeta imala jo-jo efekat, a ona je bivala sve gojaznija i očajnija. U najkritičnijom trenutku imala je 136 kilograma, unosila je više od 4.000 kalorija na dan, nosila je veličinu XXL, a prolazak pored brze hrane, a da ne kupi nešto u istoj bio je nemoguć.

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So let’s talk mental health transformation side by side. ⁣ ⁣ When I look at this side by side it makes me sad, not because of my size but because of where I know my head was at. Just almost 2 years ago I found myself deep within the food addiction vortex. I was embarrassed, I felt I couldn’t ask for help. I felt like everyone around me would judge me if they knew I ate like I did. I remember being so ashamed that I couldn’t stop and so embarrassed of my eating habits that I would actually sneak drive thru food and dispose of it before I would come home for dinner. I tried everything, I mean everything, from weight watchers, to hypnosis. Obesity is such a lonely place because it is you against yourself. Everyone tries to help, everyone has advice, everyone is selling magic shakes and skinny teas but at the end of the day it is you against you. I remember cheating on journal entries on my OWN fitness app just so I could feel like I was heading in the right direction. I feel sad because it took me 11 years to realize I was worth fighting for. I was worth taking the time to invest into myself. I was worth having those honest conversations with the ones I love with about my addictions and how they could best support me on my journey. It took me 11 years to find the inner voice in my head that said YOU are worth it and I can’t describe how it feels. ⁣ ⁣ So if you are just starting on your journey and you feel that helpless and hopeless feeling know that you are not alone and you are worth it. Fight for yourself and if you ever need a cheerleader I am here cheering you on!! #bellletstalk #share #wls #wlscommunity #rny #rnycommunity #weightloss #transformation #askforhelp #transformationtuesday #health #healthy #happy #mentalwellness #mentalhealth #foodaddiction #addiction

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Kelsi se priseća kako je doručkovala ogromne sendviče, ručala bi dva burgera, a užinala pileće medaljone. Velike količine hrane otežavale su joj svakodnevni život, a ono što joj je najteže padalo jeste što se sve teže brinula o deci – Bruku (12), Karsonu (11), Skarlet (5).

Upravo zato 2017. godine prijavila se na listu čekanja za operaciju smanjenja želuca, a nekoliko meseci kasnije shvatila je koliko je situacija alarmantna kada je u avionu morala da traži duži sigurnosni pojas, a njena deca nisu mogla da sakriju sramotu.

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Being body positive doesn’t necessarily mean you have to like every inch of your vessel. It’s about not letting those voices that scream “EVERYONE can see your cellulite, they are staring at your SCARS, you can’t pull off that bathing suit” win. It’s about choosing to show up and live your life because that is what is important. The beach doesn’t care if my body is photoshopped perfection, it cares that I am there, that I am laughing and that I am living my best life. It is about being positive that you are worth showing up for. So let’s go! #bodypositive #selflove #happy #sizehappy #lovetheskinyourein #wls #wlscommunity #rny #rnycommunity #weightlossjourney #health #healthy #fitness #mombod #pinkhair

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Kaže da joj je veoma dugo trebalo da shvati koliko je zapravo veliki njen problem sa kilogramima.

– Kada vam suprug i bliski ljudi daju osećaj da ste predivni, ne vidite koliko se gojite. Naviknete na svoj život, imate decu, muža, prijatno vam je. Sve sam stavljala ispred sebe, tipično za mame – rekla je ova dama.

No, ubrzo je dočekala operaciju, nakon čega je doživela neverovatnu transformaciju – smršala je neverovatnih 70 kilograma! U oktobru ove godine otišla je i na operaciju uklanjanja viška kože i sada je potpuno nova žena – izgleda neverovatno.

Ne samo da je promenila fizionomiju, Kelsi je i zdravija nego ikada, a pre svega ponovo može da se nesmetano igra i trči sa svojom decom. Ipak, nije sve idealno – ona se više ne bori sa kilogramima, sada vodi bitku protiv telesne dismorfije – mentalnog stanja u kome su dominante misli da nešto ozbiljno nije u redu sa našim telom.

– Operacija smanjivanja želuca bila je najstrašnija i najteža odluka koju sam donela. Ne postoji magična pilula za gubitak kilograma i nije lako, ali ne žalim. Gubitak kilograma je teško stanje jer ih vaše telo brzo gubi, ali mozak je taj koji to sporije prati. Stomak vam se smanji, ali u mislima je i dalje isti. Telesna dismorfija je veoma česta kod ljudi koji se odluče na ovaj zahva i uopšte na naglo i veliko mršavljenje – zaključila je Kanađanka, dodavši da joj to ipak ne smeta da uživa u životu.