BEKSTVO IZ PAKLA ANOREKSIJE: Davali su joj minimalne šanse da preživi, a ona je POBEDILA podmuklu bolest! (FOTO)

Koni Inglis
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Britanka Koni Inglis se pre dve godine borila sa teškom anoreksijom, a prema njenim rečima, težila je kao i petogodišnja devojčica. Tada je izjavila da se sa anoreksijom bori od svoje 10 godine i da je tri puta bila u bolnici zbog bolesti. Sada živi normalnim životom, a često na svom Instagram profilu objavljuje fotografije iz tog perioda.

– Poslednjih nekoliko nedelja je bilo veoma teško. U poslednje vreme propustila sam puno toga što je najvažnije … da provodim vreme s ljudima koje volim i svoje mentalo zdravlje! Borila sam se sa depresijom. Borila sam se sa spavanjem. Borila sam se sa ljudima. Tako mi je žao. Žao mi je što nisam bila tu za sve vas. Žao mi je što nisam bila tu za sebe. Žao mi je što sam se zanemarivala. Već dugo nije bilo tako sjajno. Ali sutra je novi dan, nova sedmica. Danas je dan za “glavu gore”! I zaista se osećam dobro zbog toga! Nema veze ako 2018. nije do sada bila vaša godina. Probudite se sa osmehom znajući da imate snage da to poboljšate! – napisala je Koni na svom profilu.

Koni kaže da je u najgorim trenucima morala da koristi invalidska kolica, a doktori su joj davali još nekoliko nedelja života.

The girl on the left was me at exactly this time last year. I had been Emergancy admitted to hospital, had an ng tube forced on me, and confined to my bed on New Year's Eve. It was the worst night of my life. In that picture me and my boyfriend were both holding back tears. Trying to smile for the camera and the other lovely people giving up their evenings to keep me company. But it was so hard. One by one all my friends and family left. Apart from 1 she refused to leave and stayed with me all night, for that I will love her forever. Nobody could believe I'd gotten to that point. Neither did I. My friend held my hand and stroked my hair while I cried and we watched the fireworks from my hospital bed. The doctor told me I wouldn't make it through the night (I told her not to tell anyone, I didn't believe her) I'm not telling you this for sympathy or attention I'm telling you because if you told me on that day, after I'd spoken to the doctors on my ward, that this time next year I would be getting ready for a big meal and going to a party in a tight play suit I honestly would have told you to fuck off. You've honestly gone insane! I wasn't planning to make it to this year. But here I am!! The girl on the right, full of life, full of love and full of food!!! Getting ready to hopefully have the first good new year of her life. Every year doesn't have to be good. I've gone through hell this yearr! In January I was begging for death and today I'm going to dance my way into 2017, the year of me!!! The year to recover be happy and love myself more everyday. So don't put pressure on this year to be great because it might not be but I promise you'll always have days or months or just little moments where everything is magical. ??that is what it about, not permanent happiness just beautiful everyday moments! So take the bad and take the good as it comes, things will be better, things might be worse but it will always keep changing! Bring on 2017!!! Happy new year!! ?? Thank you so much to you all, I wouldn't be here without you! #positivebeatsperfect

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– Nije mi uopšte bilo stalo hoću li da živim ili ću umreti. Nije me bilo briga – izjavila je Koni i dodala:

– Jednostavno sam želela da izgubim svu težinu. Jedino što je u tim trenucima moglo biti dovoljno dobro jeste da mi stane srce… To je bila jedina stvar koja je mogla zadovoljiti moju anoreksiju – napisala je na svom Instagram profilu.

Recovery isn't a choice you make just once, it's a choice you have to keep making every second of every day. Recovery means going through hell, fighting against your own thoughts and the things you most believe in, forcing yourself to keep going even when you feel like your breaking inside. Recovery is hard for everyone, it feels impossible, but if you Really want to recover and you believe that it's possible you ??CAN?? do it!!! For years I didn't want to recover, anorexia was too safe, it was a way for me to cope with and numb the pain of my life. I was stuck, I couldn't see a way out. But in numbing the pain I was also numbing the joy. You need to find the motivation to keep going! I know it's hard, at the beginning I didn't want to recover for myself so I kept going for my boyfriend. If you can't fight for yourself fight for someone you love! I'm not fully recovered yet but I'm fighting every day. You need to give it time, don't get frustrated that it's taking to long or your not 'better enough' just keep going every day. Challenge the things your terrified of. Find a reason or reasons to get better, I promise there are millions! Talk to someone about the reasons behind your ed and the things that your struggling with. Always have people around you to support you!!! We ALL DESERVE RECOVERY!! And we CAN DO IT?????? #edcommunity#eatingdisorder#anawho#fuckana#prorecovery#depressed#anxiety#edworrior#edarmy#edfamiliy#realrecovery#mentalillness#edfam#recoveryispossible#anorexianervosa#fuckanorexia#nourishtoflorish#nourishnotpunish#nourishyourbody#fighting#foodblogger#2fab4ana#bodypositive#transformationtuesday#edrecovery#bodiposi#positive

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“Na Novu godinu 2015. hitno sam odvezena u bolnicu. Anoreksija me ubijala. Osećala sam se sama, premda sam bila okružena pirjateljima i porodicom. Bila sam zbunjena, nisam verovala da sam bolesna. Bila sam prestravljena. Ne od umiranja… nego od jela, totalno sam se predala. To je moje najistaknutije sećanje nove godine… Toliko sam toga prošla u poslednje dve godine. Izvlačila sam se iz najniže moguće tačke. Borila sam se čak i u dane kad sam mislila da umirem iznutra. Ali, uspela sam! Živa sam usprkos svim prognozama! Pobedila sam anoreksiju!!!”

Oko jedan posto Amerikanki bore se sa anoreksijom u nekom razdoblju života, a jedna od pet smrti uzrokovanih anoreksijom su samoubistva.

Im finally seeing the light!!!! TW eating disorders ? ? Firstly I want to say this is not a look how skinny I was or look how well I've done post. This is to hopefully show you that no matter how lost you are in your own head, it is possible to escape! It is possible to find happiness again!!! ? ? Secondly you do not have to be this shape, size colour or gender for your struggles to matter! You are always deserving of help if you are struggling!!! ? ? Last year I was sectioned under the mental health act. I was so ill I was doing everything I could think of to not take in ANYTHING. I had given up. My eating disorder had taken over and I wanted to die. So I was sectioned and forced to get better. I was put on an ng tube. I was forced to watch as the scale went up every week and I could do nothing about it. (Not that I didn't try) Last year I was a mess. ? ? But the people I loved stayed by me. My best friends and my boyfriend came to see me all the time and my parents where there every day. They where there to remind me to try. So I did. For the first time in my life I realised that I loved these people more than my ed. so I fought, I fought like hell!!! ? ? I'm not telling you this for sympathy or to diminish anyone's struggles, (everyone's struggle is valid!!! No matter how long it takes!!) I’ve been in this for 10 years now and I still struggle but I can see the light now. I know that the fight is worth it. I know that the scales don’t mean a thing. And I want you to know that it is possible!!!!! It is possible to get out of the darkness! No not all my problems have gone away. Yes I still have the thoughts. But I am strong enough now to resist! Keep going! You can get through this hell and I will be with you every step of the way!!! We can do this together!!!! ??? (No questions about weight please!!) #positivebeatsperfect

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