NOVO OTKRIĆE: Hleb uopšte NE GOJI, evo od čega se zapravo debljamo (FOTO)


Kada iz ishrane izbacimo hleb, mršavimo ne zato što je on toliko kaloričan, već zato što sve jedemo sa njim i jedemo ga konstantno, pa njegovim izbacivanjem imamo utisak da smo uradili veliku stvar za svoj organizam.

Kada se odlučimo za dijetu, prvo čega se odreknemo, uglavnom bude hleb.

Ako ga se i ne odreknemo u potpunosti, hleb i testenine smanjimo na minimum – parče dnevno.

Ali, da li je, zaista, neophodno, odreći se hleba u toj količini?

Grejem Tomlinson, fitnes stručnjak, je nedavno na svom Instagram profilu objavio fotografiju uz komentar da ne goji hleb, već ono što jedemo uz njega.

Jedno parče hleba sadrži 95 kalorija, ali ono što jedemo uz njega povećava njihov broj.

Da bi objasnio ono o čemu priča, postavio je fotografiju na kojoj je parče hleba, koje ima 95 kalorija, dok je pored bilo parče hleba sa 30 grama džema i 40 grama kikirikija.

Ovi dodatni sastojci iznose oko 407 kalorija, piše The Sun.

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When trying to reduce or maintain body weight, many continue to assume that bread must be abolished from their diet. ⁣ ⁣ In terms of energy, there is no difference between white or brown bread. And whilst the latter contains more fibre [which may increase satiety], one would be better placed to evaluate total ingredients consumed with bread in order to determine a more holistic perspective. Not least because bread is rarely consumed alone. ⁣ ⁣ These additional ingredients equate to additional calories. In this example, smearing on a few of generous knifes of peanut butter and jam (components of a ‘hearty’ PB & jelly sandwich) more than quadruples the total calorie content of the consumed food. Consequently, all of a sudden the debate is not about consumption of bread in the first instance, or it’s colour in the second. ⁣ ⁣ Adding an often invisible 10g of butter to a warm slice of bread will result in the calorie value of the ‘bread’ increasing from 95 calories to 169. Thus, though it’s visibility is dormant, it is the butter that nearly doubles the calorie value of what we often perceive as the consequence of ‘eating bread’. ⁣ ⁣ Standing alone, bread is merely one calorie variable. Using the examples shown in my graphic, there can be multiple additional calorie variables. The quantity of additional variables will influence the overall calorie value of that eating episode. Bread may not be the problem after all. ⁣ ⁣ This principle can be applied to one’s rationale when assessing and addressing their overall diet. In doing so, one can move away from unwarranted demonisation of a food which can be utilized as energy like any other. ⁣ ⁣ Of course, one may over consume bread. But unless their diet comprises of only bread, this is a mere contribution to a bigger sequence of variables. ⁣ ⁣ To catastrophize bread as a nutritional problem is to catastrophize a minuscule variable out of many. A calorie surplus over time results in weight gain, not bread. ?⁣ -⁣ -⁣ #portioncontrol #bread #toast #snacks #peanutbutter #jam #carbs #snackfood #fatlosstips #fatlosshelp #caloriecontrol #losefat #caloriesincaloriesout #losingfat

A post shared by Graeme Tomlinson (@thefitnesschef_) on

Dakle, jasno je da se nećemo ugojiti od kruške hleba, već od svih propratnih stvari koje uz hleb jedemo.

Kada iz ishrane izbacimo hleb, mršavimo ne zato što je on toliko kaloričan, već zato što sve jedemo sa njim i jedemo ga konstantno, pa njegovim izbacivanjem imamo utisak da smo uradili veliku stvar za svoj organizam.

Prava suština jeste u balansiranoj ishrani i spajanjem određenih namirnica.

Ne kažemo da sa hlebom treba preterivati, ali ne treba preterivati ni sa čim, a ukoliko ga jedemo umereno, odnosno u razumnim količinama, svom organizmu ćemo, parčetom hleba, dodati samo 95 kalorija.