SAVRŠENO TELO I U PETOJ DECENIJI: Godinama se borila sa salom, a danas je zvezda Instagrama

Dokaz da se i u zrelim godinama može izgledati fenomenalno.

Belinda Norton (43) iz Australije se ceo život borila sa debljinom, a onda je uspela da izgubi 19 kilograma. Ova učiteljica je vrlo popularna i ima preko 50.000 fanova na instagramu.

Popularna je postala zbog svoje fitnes priče i saveta o mršavljenju.

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Toning or muscle building? Well it’s actually exactly the same. In order to ‘tone up’ or ‘look leaner’ or ‘feel fitter’ or ‘lose weight’ – all for our improved body health we MUST build the muscle beneath the skin to look and feel in shape. By building muscle we burn fat to build strength in our muscles thus reshaping them. It increases our ability to dispose of fatty deposits in skin layers and increases our body immunity and overall wellness. Using a simple and effective weights program is crucial as we age especially as our skin loses elasticity. It encourages blood flow to these areas in our body and keeps us looking younger. A basic weights program is easy to begin and is more important than many think. It is a known fact to increase our life longevity, improves mood and when our body is tracking successfully less injury and age pain occur. Start ASAP. If you are unsure or nervous to begin at a gym – Start on alignment machines at your gym or use my b.bodyboost program to help you with 5kg hand weights at home. Today I completed my gym machine workout. I’ll share on IGSTORY ✨b.x #blivewear #fitmama #transformation #healthy #squat #yoga #hitt #motherhood #womensfitness #40plus #fitspo #motivation #homeexercise #foodie #homeworkout #author #trainer

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Ona se do svoje 35. godine borila sa kilogramima i celulitom.

– Uvek sam pokušavala rigoroznim dijetama da skinem kilograme i uspevala sam da smršam 5-6 kilograma, ali nakon mesec dana bi se svi oni vratili. Trebalo mi je mnogo vremena da shvatim da nikakve dijete nisu ključ dobrog izgleda. Ako želiš dobro da izgledaš, moraš da jedeš, ali i da biraš prave namirnice – navodi Norton.

Moja ishrana se bazira na nemasnom mesu, povrću, voću i na unosu dosta vode.

Takođe i trenitra bar 2 puta nedeljno, a preporučuje treninge sa tegovima umesto kardio vežbi.

– Pokušajte manje da trčite i da radite kardio treninge. Shvatila sam da je preterano trčanje kontraproduktivno za oblik tela – otkriva Norton.

– Uglavnom sve žene misle da će napornim kardio treninzima izgubiti najviše kilograma, ali to nije tačno. Vežbe za oblikovanje daju mnogo bolje rezultate. Na taj način se topi salo, a ujeno oblikuju mišići. Od kada sam počela da praktikujem ovaj vid vežbi, težinu sam dovela u red – kaže Belinda.

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I spoke last week of my changing body shape. My personal need to lengthen the muscles as opposed to bulking. I must admit I received a lot of ‘troll & cyber bullying’ comments due to my thoughts. ↪️Why? Well because I spoke of bulky muscles being detrimental to overall mobility, especially to our body alignment health and the difficulty of this muscle bulk as we age & to maintain overall joint longevity. My comments did anger the muscle bulking believers and community, however I will stay strong on this point of view. Our health and wellness is determined by how our body functions not how big our muscles are, not how thick are our gluteus and certainly not our abdominals. It is determined by our mobility to achieve daily life /work activities. If we cannot function due to injury then we are moving our body incorrectly. Our muscle mobility also vastly changes as we age and due to undue stresses such as Covid. The importance of whole body mobility and alignment has never been more crucial. I encourage you strongly to look after your joints, to remain aligned with the use of yoga, Pilates and strength training. To focus on overall muscle power and flexibility not just on the bulk. Our bodies are for living well In for a healthy future not just for a few years. ?Love your body for all it’s abilities not just what it looks like but how it functions. ↪️My 5 best body health tips for longevity 1. Eat limited sugar or salty food as high amounts swell the joints causing injury. 2. Hydrate with water all day try to eliminate any liquid pollutants. 3. Yoga, Pilates,massage, roll & stretch. 4. Balance your fitness with strength & cardio. 5. Love every part of your glorious body as you have been gifted. b.x ✨ Join me & stretch out with @yoga4yachties on @greatkeppelislandhideaway this Sunday – see IGSTORY how x #blivewear #fitmama #transformation #healthy #squat #yoga #hitt #motherhood #womensfitness #40plus #fitspo #motivation #homeexercise #foodie #homeworkout #author #trainer #stretch #musclebulk

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Recept za vitku liniju nije tako težak. Ovo svako od nas može da uradi.

– Ukoliko želite da se rešite sala i celulita, bacite se na vežbe snage i oblikovanja – poručuje ona.