VEŽBE ZA IDEALNU ZADNJICU: Influenserka otkrila tajnu savršenih oblina (VIDEO)

Influenserka i lični trener Australijanka Sofi Alen postala je poznata zahvaljujući svom poslu i izgledu.

Foter: Butz.2013 / photo on flickr

Ova 30-godišnja dama posebno je ponosna na svoje obline i mišićavo telo. Da postigne ovaj cilj trebalo joj je, kako sama kaže, skoro godinu dana. Sada ima ono o čemu je oduvek sanjala. Njen recept za sve one koji žele da imaju savršeno izvajanu guzu ne razlikuje se previše od onoga što smo već naučili o treniranju i oblikovanju tela, ali njena kombinacija ishrane, treninga i pravilnog odmaranja možda bude nešto što će upravo vama odgovarati.

– Oblikovanje i izgradnja mišića je proces koji zahteva vreme, a najčešće traje između četiri do osam meseci – objasnila je Sofi na na svojoj web stranici.

Kako kaže, rezultate mogu svi da ostvare, ali moraju da se pripreme na novi stil života. Kao na primer (a ovo niste sigurno očekivali) da jedu više.

Sofi ovih peta stvari smatra ključnim za uspeh:

1. Vrsta treninga

Progresivno preopterećenje je metoda treninga snage koji postepeno povećava stres na određene delove tela tokom vežbanja. Da biste dobili jače i veće mišiće, jače i gušće kosti, ligamente, tetive i hrskavice, potrebno je proći kroz progresivno preopterećenje.

– Ako stalno radimo iznova isto, to za mišiće s vremenom neće biti izazovno i oni će prestati da rastu – objasnila je Sofi.

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FEAR OF EATING MORE⁣ ⁣ I have clients that come to @train.withsoph who’ve been stuck on eating low calories (1400 and under) for months and months, years and years. They’re terrified of what eating more food will do you them.⁣ ⁣ Can you relate?⁣ ⁣ When we consistently deprive our body’s of the energy it needs to do life effectively a few things happen:⁣ ⁣ ? we lose weight (usually the goal of someone reducing their calorie intake)⁣ ? our energy goes down⁣ ? so does our ability to progress in the gym, build shape & muscle⁣ ? our sleep goes to shit⁣ ? binges increase⁣ ? hormones are negatively impacted⁣ ? we can look washed out/ watery & inflamed⁣ ? mentally it’s horrible⁣ ? can cause a negative relationship with food⁣ ? our metabolism down regulates so if the goal is fat loss it becomes more difficult the longer we stay at the same deficit for & the leaner we get⁣ ? potentially burning more muscle than fat ⁣ Often when clients go back to predicted maintenance or even still a deficit but less aggressive I see the following⁣: ? weight loss increases (they’re still in a deficit, just not as aggressive, it puts less stress on the body so they see a whoosh effect and drop a lot of water & inflammation)⁣ ? energy increases⁣ ? scale may go up (weight, not fat) because more food = weighing more in the body⁣ ? more energy to increase gym performance⁣ ? better ability to build muscle & shape⁣ ? NEAT goes up⁣ ⁣ Even if these calories are not a calorie deficit – weight tends to stay the same because of all of these positive responses.⁣ ⁣ If you’ve been living on low calories accept that it might go against everything you think is ‘right’ for weight loss, but start slow and gradually build calories back up – your body will LOVE you for it ✨⁣ ⁣ Here’s a pic of me eating more food and probably looking the leanest through this whole dieting series which has been put on pause while I get my health in order ?

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2. Promene u ishrani

– Kad postepeno povećavate unos hrane, rezultati brže dolaze – kaže Sofi i poručuje da jedete od 100 do 200 kalorija više nego što biste inače pojeli. Naravno vodite računa šta jedete. Birajte namirnice koje su bogate proteinima, piše “Lepota i zdravlje”.

3. Vreme

Da biste dobili “izvajane” mišiće potreban je trud, ali i vreme. To zahteva strpljenje.

– Ljudima je potrebno vreme da se ugoje ili da skinu kilograme, ništa drugačije nije ni kada želite da izgradite mišiće. Za dugotrajne rezultate, morate imati dugoročan plan – priča Sofi.

4. Fokus na pravi izbor vežbi

Kako kaže Sofi, nema potreba da trošite vreme radeći vežbe za one delove tela koje ne želite da preoblikujete.

– Za rast mišića je važnije dizanje tegova nego kardio. Radite iskorake, mrtvo dizanje, podizanje karlice (hip thrust) i slične vežbe kojima je cilj jačanje guze – navodi Sofi.

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LOWER BODY WORKOUT: GYM⁣ ⁣ Just having so much fun being back in the gym and having a little play with a bit of everything I love! Make sure you save this – I’ve also given home alternatives.⁣ ⁣ Here’s what I did:⁣ ⁣ A. SUMO DEADLIFTS (DB sumo deadlift)⁣ RPT – Warm up to your heaviest working weight then decrease weight and increase reps each set⁣ ⁣ B1. GOBLET SQUAT (same)⁣ B2. LYING SINGLE LEG CURL (DB single leg RDL)⁣ ⁣ C. SMITH MACHINE SPLIT SQUAT (DB split squat)⁣ ⁣ D. CABLE PULL THROUGH (KB swing)⁣ This is a rest pause set, so you pick a weight you’ll fail at on rep 12-15 then rest 10 seconds and go again with the same weight – expect a big drop off each set and repeat x 4⁣ ⁣ E. MACHINE ABDUCTOR (RB abductor)⁣ This is a drop set – start with the heaviest weight you can manage and go to technical failure, then drop down 1-2 x weight plates and keep going, repeat this until no weight plates are left, your glutes are fried and you love me 4eva for building that booty baby!⁣ ⁣ Doing my Sunday check in in the FB group with my @train.withsoph girls – already some amazing goals for the week ahead! Join us via the link in bio and start your journey today! X

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5. Odmor

Oporavak mišića je jednako bitan kao sve već pomenuto. Da bi mišići rasli, treba im osigurati odmor.

– Ljudi podcenjuju san i odmor. Spavajte osam sati tokom noći, uzimajte magnezijum i lagano šetajte – poručuje Sofi.

Pored toga unošenje puno vode, istezanje pre i nakon treninga, kao i korištenje sauna i tople kupke takođe mogu mnogo da pomognu.