ZA DVANAEST NEDELJA DO SAVRŠENE FIGURE: Kad je mogla ona, šta vas sprečava da uradite isto?

Sara Melisa Džouns je u aprilu 2017. godine odlučila da za nju više nema izgovora.

Stomak Mršavljenje

Godinama je bila nezadovoljna svojim izgledom i nikako nije uspevala da se oslobodi viška kilograma. Tada je odlučila da prati program fitnes instruktorke Kajle Itsines koja je nakon svojih programa postala fitnes zvezda Instagrama.

Sara je za samo sedam meseci uspela da oblikuje svoje telo tako što je pratila program “Bikini telo“ Kajle Itsines.

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??? The amount of times I’ve stood in front of the mirror and just cried, hating myself with such passion, it makes me so sad! I felt useless and like I was never going to get anywhere. So it’s the best feeling to start to see change and begin to like what I see ?? . You have to live in your body for the REST of your life.. and YOU have the option to choose how you do that! ?? so everyday be determined to work on yourself because YOU will always be your biggest investment ?? . ??? For those of you that followed my little transformation journey lately .. I’VE FINISHED THE 12 WEEK CHALLENGE !!? . Swipe across on the photo ?? (right is exactly 12 weeks difference / left photo is from over a year ago) .

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Ono što je njoj trebalo jeste motivacija da istraje u vežbanju, a to je u ovom programu dobila.

Za samo sedam meseci Sara je uspela da oslabi osam kilograma.

Inače kreatorka programa “Bikini telo“ Kajla Itsines je sertifikovana i nagrađivana fitnes instruktorka čiji program prati preko 20 miliona žena širom sveta.

Ovaj program traje 12 nedelja i sastoji se od tri intenzivna treninga u trajanju od 28 minuta, tri kardio-treninga i dva dana pauze za svaku nedelju.